
Instructions for Viewing, Searching & Downloading. You can view, scroll through and explore the Last Great Places rankings directly in your web browser.

You can also Sort or Filter in any column to get refined results (touch the small down arrow in the column heading). For example, you can select a single ecoregion (e.g. Sierra Nevada), manager (e.g. USFS) and/or type of conservation area (e.g. WA) — which would show you the data and scores for all National Forest Wilderness Areas in the Sierra Nevada. You can also reorder the scores for any evaluation factor.

For maximum functionality, click the Download button on the black bar (5th button from the right) to get the Excel file. You can then use Excel on your computer to sort, filter and review the data, hide columns, and save the file to your computer. If you do not have Excel, you can download the Excel file and then Import/ Upload it into Google Sheets.